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(1 edit)

of course the elephant in the room,what this gonna be like in fs25? This mod is already perfect in my eyes,thank you lord weezy!!! Have you been able to see what it will look like to get over into 25? If at all,I’m still trying to figure building tracks around maps in fs22 


I do plan on moving them to FS25 at some point, but I have no idea how it is going to be! I dont even own FS25 yet so I have no idea how difficult it will be to transfer them. I do have some more improvements, as well as UP #844 almost ready that will be released in FS22 before I even look to start converting things

I just got it and while it’s better,it’s just not the same without all the modding ,so I still do mostly large maps with your railroads,trying to build networks almost always unsuccessfully😂 you still plan on releasing another map with a rail network in it still? Been awhile since you mentioned anything about that,just curious

haha awesome! and I plan on releasing it, just still trying to fine tune it!

(1 edit)

Hey Jweezy one quick question is there any way for me myself to take your locomotive and paint it into my own livery from my fictional railroad in Trainz? if so please help.

Never mind I found out but is it possible if I paid some money you could throw the Ottawa central paint scheme on some locomotives for me?

yeah it is possible to paint them! most of the locomotive templates are available in the textures folder. as for paying for some specific paint schemes, absolutely that is an option. DM me on facebook at justin wies or on discord @ NHLmetPENGUINS and we can discuss?

Sent a request for now i dont have much money and need help learning how to edit the templates then implement them in game.

How do i go about repainting and then replacing or placing that livery on

Hey, the SD40-3 on the CSX has the YN3 and YN3B livery's broken in the editor. Is this just a visual glitch or is this happing to you too? Cause this seems to be a bit weird...

Oh shoot! I must have messed something up. I will fix that!

No worry, just trying to help like the others are! :D

Do you plan on adding european trains too?

yes 😂 

No, I have no plans on adding European trains at this time 


locomotive parade

gostei do edifício ta disponível? Também estão bonitas as locomotivas 



Jweezy, Do you have any plans to do any forklifts or other sorts of material handling machines?

Nice locomotives

Have got around to working on a Southern skin for the GP7. A little tweaking to go for the logo, road name, and numbers. I can share it with you to add to the pack when it is finished if you like. Will do the black "Tuxedo" version after I finish the green. 

It looks great! yeah if you send it to me, I would love to add it to the pack! you did a phenomenal job!

What's the easiest way to get it to you? Also have the numbers for both done up in Southern's font, but can't quiet figure out how to get it lined correctly. 

Awesome! you can send them to me on discord or facebook? either one works for me. NHLmetPENGUINS on discord or Justin Wies on Facebook in Expendables or Custom Modding facebook groups?

(1 edit)

Sent you a request on discord, from Vulgaris Magistralis. 

Oh shoot! I knew I missed something, I didnt get the southern paint schemes added. I will and will include them in an update soon! So sorry friend

New one 😂 

Nice and good job j weezy new emplements work grate

Very nice! and thank you!

Could we possibly see some iterations of the RS1? It would be the first road train in the lineup compared to the SW1500 shunters and full-size engines. Plus, it's absolutely beautiful with the long nose off the cab and the shunter body for the diesel engine!

I will see what I can do! I havent been able to find too many good ALCO models tho

They definitely are a rare engine in real life so I'm sure models are far and few, new to the whole moding scene and all so I'm not exactly sure where y'all find your models for stuff. If you point me in the right direction, I can go on a hunt for some to possibly donate. Also do you know of any mods that allow me to link the throttle/ power output of linked engines or if that could come in a possible update? Know I've asked for a lot always appreciate the hard work boss!!

Yeah I gotcha, I have been finding free models, but I will continue to look for some ALCOs! As far as the Multiple Unit power, I wish I could find a way to do that.. Unfortunately the game engine kinda limits that.. The only way that I have found to make it work is if you set two locomotives facing forward, set the rear loco to follow the loco in front using the follow me mod, then connect the front locomotive to the back locomotive and that will have them both pulling. hard to control tho, and the only way to throttle down is the set the follow distance down or turn the follow me loco off

Ahh makes sense, I'll give that a try I really only need it for going up large grades while loaded down, over level ground all the engines seem to have no problems.

Can you do an SW1500 in SP Colours? and the cables on the brake and electrical on the SW1500. please

Ohhh absolutely! I like that idea of the SW1500 in SP colors! As for the brake, electrical and MU cables, they should be on the SW1500 as of the last update? unless I missed something or missed one of them?

By chance can we get some Southern Railroad locomotives? They had MP15s and GP7s that could be skinned from what you have already, but everything else is High Hood units. If you can tell me where you prefer the models to come from, I would be willing to donate one if you are up to it. 


Oh yes I need to get some Southern Railroad locomotives added! I have unintentionally neglected them. I should definitely be able to add a GP7 in Southern, I also am adding an SD9 to the next update and I am pretty sure they had some of those as well. I actually have a project that I am working on for somebody atm, but once I am done I will let you know!

Hello, great Update with the new interior of the Standart cabs! but would it be possible to add an Sd70 with the standart cab or a SD 50?

Thanks! glad you like it, I like how the standard cab interiors turned out too! I think I am going to rebuild the wide cabs to be as good as the standard cabs now haha. As for a standard cab SD70 or SD50.. I like that idea. Lemme see what i can do!

ant idea why i cant get the locomitive to get on the tracks in silverun? thy wont settle on the track they keep falling over? only that map

Im not sure I havent played on that map before.. If you enable visible collisions, is there any kind of weird collision in the middle of the track on silverrun?

how t i enable collions?

Где исправление???

You have to place the locomotive on the tracks and then unfold it, it is all explained in the description

How come the gp40-2 doesn't have any ditch lights?

Which GP40 doesnt have ditch lights?

the csx one

hmmm I will have to check.. it should have the same ditch lights as the GP38-2

jweezy, i am so happy to see a frisco locomotive! it is one of my favorites also in the new update photos how did you get the locomotives to shine?

Glad you like it! as for the pics, they are just shining because they are in the store where the light is super close and bright lol

What do I have to change so that diesel locomotives start immediately just like the steam locomotive

If you change the startup sound in the xmls to just the default locomotive startup sound that you can find in the game xmls, then they will start much faster. basically the startup time is determined by how long the set startup sound is

OK Thanks and i must look now to find it.

(1 edit)

Hello I can`t find exactly to change in the other Sound.xml . All Loks drive for me now with Birkshire sound.

I know you have a TON of requests and a lot on your plate! I am very grateful. 

I just want to throw a hat in the ring: Steam locomotive 4014, the Big Boy. Would love to be able to tow cargo with it.

Happy to do some research or find a model for you too.

he is planning on adding the union pacific FEF-3 and possibly big boy

Hello! thank you much appreciated!

As for your request, yes logitech is correct! I am currently working on the UP #844, a 4-8-4 FEF-3 steam loco. and after that I will attempt to bring the big boy UP #4014 into the game! Thank you for your offerings, I have already had a fantastic Big Boy model donated to me, I just have to get to it. Steam locomotives are very complicated and take A LOT of work to ingame compared to the diesels because of all the moving parts so they take a while to get into the game

Any plans on adding new hopper cars or a variant of the old famous triple crown later on the road map? I know you've been very busy with the old school steamers lately i've been following your comments as I've seen them lately 

I dont have any plans for any new hoppers at this time, but I do plan on adding the famous triple crown at some point! I am pretty sure they just did their farewell tour irl? so I would love to preserve them in FS. I am pretty sure I have seen the model before

They did there final run I believe at the end of september it was alot of the railfan community was filming the last triple crown runs live in person and on youtube it was quite a weekend for railfans on the last hoora for the triple crown

Yeah I saw videos of its final run, didnt get to see it in person tho unfortunately!


Is there any way to add the Emd DD 35 or DD40?

Hello, I would love to add the DDA40X at some point! I will have to see if I can find a good model

love the mod
nothing wrong with it
only have one request
could you ad an EDM F7/F7B
just my favorite locomotive and it'd be neat to see in fs22
or another steam engine
idk just speaking my mind, like I said, nothing wrong with the mods and the engines in the game

Glad you like it! I think I found a good F7 model, I might bring it into the game at some point!

I also saw in a  comment your adding new steam engines the big boy (which I got to see irl recently, not a flex i swear) and another UP one, and my good man
I literally cannot wait.
looking forward to the next update, no matter when it is!!!

Hey hey that is awesome that you got to see the Big Boy in real life! I was so so excited to be able to see it this year on its pacific northwest tour, but UP unfortunately had to cancel the tour because the Portland subdivision is just too busy to support it :/ so I was super bummed to miss out on seeing it

AWW DAMN! I'm sorry you didn't get to see it, if it makes you feel better I'm now broke because of gas prices and I drive for probably a total of like . . 20 hours, idk, a lot. Didn't get to see it run or the whistle, just see it sitting, but 
she is so pretty-

(also a side note, ik you have a lot to do and a lot of request
(on the f7)
(I will do anything so you will add a Burlington Norther decal to the F7 so it can match my HO scale loco)
(and the b unit if you plan on adding that as well)
(sorry I just thought of that after my first comment, and just)
(wanted it out there)
(love the mod, love you, have a good day mwah)

Hey hey that is awesome! haha it is absolutely beautiful.. Its incredible to me how big it actually is, and I havent even seen it in person yet! but just judging by your pic there, it dwarfs that Peterbilt sitting next to it, and dwarfs that GEVO behind him also! haha

Was it worth the long trip tho?? that is what matters

(1 edit)

hello jeweezy, i have started to have severe issues with this mod on your pacific NW farming map. every time i go to purchase a locomotive or piece of rolling stock the game will freeze and then when i click on my mouse it makes everything look low quality and it will give me three types of messages when the game doesn't respond. 1, giants software not responding 2, game is not responding  3, memory allocated at 000000000000000000 could not read memory. i have tried deleting all of my mods and reinstalling more important ones and it still didn't work.  please help me fix this.

It sounds like you might have some kind of mod conflict or something bud.. I have not had anybody else report anything like that

(3 edits)

I just found out it is mod conflict cuz now it works fine. I've really only had your mods except for a couple of sheds and the stuff for your NW pacific savegame. now I will just have to figure out what mod it is..

Hello Jweezy, just wondering if you would/ are going to add more CN units. SD70, SD75 or SD60? Or some short line and class 2 such as the Iowa Northern (Slugs would be cool) or Iowa interstate. Sorry for all the photos. Thanks and keep up the good work! - John Pittman Photo: Seven month old SD75i CN 5719 is  sitting in the sun outside the Diesel Shop at Symington yard in Winnipeg.  Permission to photograph on CN property wasSD60 #5400-5489 Class EF-638cRivet Counter HO Scale ES44AC, Iowa Interstate/Early Antenna ArrangementIOWA NORTHERN RAIL YARD DRONE VIEWS WITH SLUG AND THE CN HERITAGE EJ&E UNIT!CN Canadian National SD70M-2 N Scale Decal Set

Howdy, I intend on adding some more SD70MACs at some point! other than that, I will see what I can do about some more CN units! I dont have anything specific planned at the moment

You're the man!

Create eletric poles

Good evening j weezy, I'm running out of positionable electrical poles to equip electric locomotives in mod energy through the poles, if you're interested I would like to share this mod for faster development

Howdy, I dont have any electric locomotives that require overhead power at the moment. But maybe when I expand my locomotives I will add some overhead power poles!

how do I use the caboose as a control unit?

Cant use the caboose as a control unit yet, for right now I use autodrive or courseplay to make the AI control the locomotives, and then ride the caboose!

(1 edit)

Hallo JWeezy

wenn ich den coursplay benutze sperren immer die drehgestelle 

auch wenn ich die lok  alleine fahren lass passiert das 

muss ich da noch was einstellen das die auch die kurven fahren wie geht das mit dieser caboose

gruss oppi1

Howdy Oppi1,

I think I might have changed the scripting for autodrive to make it so that it does not lock the bogies on start. I dont remember for sure


kannst du die f7 von santa fe hinzufügen wäre echt schön

Hopefully I can add some F7 units at some point! I love the Santa Fe Warbonnet paint scheme

moin, ja das stimmt ich mag auch die Warbonnet Lackierung , vor allem die Chrom Legierung  passt hervorragend  zum gesamten Erscheinungsbild 

Can you add the standart FS22 train to the pack?

I dont have any intentions to add the standard train to the pack, as it is not a real locomotive and I have been trying to stay realistic with my mods

(2 edits)

Hey man could you take off the weird front lights that are on the csx and other gp38-2s and instead add ditch lights like these? 

Csx Gp38-2 #2673 4 by Joseph C Hinson

I was also wondering if you could maybe add a gp40-2 also

I’ll see what I can do!

i just feel like the ditch lights on the gp38-2 rn are not correct since i have never seen them on one before

(1 edit)

jweezy, i know i have asked a lot of questions lately but, as for the up 844 what is progress on it or have you even started it yet? i dont understand things well so if youve already told me im just lazy

Keep comments on topic please

Can You Add The UP 844 pls

Did you read my comment literally like 4 comments down?..

Can you add a CSX  and CP paint sheme to the GP7 and GP60?

I dont think CSX had any GP7's by the time they came around.. and I dont know if CP has ever had any GP60s that I can find, but I like the idea of a CSX GP60! and a CP GP7! I will see what I can do

what steam locomotive will probably be added next?

I am currently working on a beautiful model of the Union Pacific FEF-3, 4-8-4 locomotive #844! It is an amazing model from what I have done so far. It is just super time consuming to create the steam locomotives as the animations and moving parts are very complicated.

haha what luck that is my second favorite locomotive!

I'd love to see UP's bigboy 4014 that would be sick in game!

I actually have had that model donated to me as well, so eventually I will add it as well! Like I said, the steam locomotives are tedious and super complex, so they take lots of time. So far I have UP #844 in game and working, I am fine tuning the piston and connecting rod movements as this one is more complex then the Berkshire 

Where does on donate to you if you dont mind me asking? 

any chance of how to get coal for the steam train?


Ich benutze den

Hello, I have noticed that the Gp7 only drives 1kph when ging backwards.  

Wenn sie als 2te lok gekopelt ist zählt sie als Waggon

Auch wenn sie als letzte lok angekoppelt wird 

du musst immer die erste lok zum fahren nehmen

hello, I have not experienced that issue. Could you please tell me what situation you had the GP7 in when it would only do 1 in reverse? Were you on a grade? Did you have anything else attached to it? Are you sure the loco was sitting on the tracks correctly?


It was on a straigt track without anything attatched.

And it was sitting on the rails correctly because i hadn't any issues when going forward. 

(1 edit)

Hmmm I did not have that issue when i was doing testing.. I will look into it tho!


is it possible your cruise control is set to 1 on the engine you're trying to  go reverse in. you cannot activate cruise control while going in reverse but the number it is set to will limit you to that speed 

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