im having issues with them not showing up in my game there in the mod menu but not showing up in game itself any reason why this would be doing it? i would love to be able to use these awesome mods
I believe I had the flatbeds messed up, where when you tension belted something down it would tension belt to the railcar in front or behind the flatbed as well, which wouldn’t allow them to turn for the bend. I will have that fixed in the next update!
howdy, thank you! I appreciate that. I have all new engine start, idle, rev, air purge, horn, and bell noises that will be included in the next update. Including different horns for just about all locomotives. You’ll have to let me know what you think of them when I get them released!
hello,I have i problem with locomotives,they keep derailing and I don´t know what to do. Can I ask for help ? Sorry for the mistakes, I´m not very good at English
Hi, I have the same problems with all bigger locomotives since the last update. The small ones (799000€) are working fine The SD40 has got most problems. That one can't even stay straigt on the tracks when unfolded. I hope it will be fixed soon
Some people are reporting that they had to sell all locomotives and repurchase them after the last update. There were major suspension changes. So try selling all locomotives and repurchase them
Ahoj, už jsem to zkoušel a nepomohlo to. Pak mě napadlo mod odinstalovat a jeho opětovná instalace nepomohla. Mohu tedy požádat o pomoc, prosím?file:///C:/Users/42072/OneDrive/Desktop/screan%20shoty%20blitz/Farming%20Simulator%2022%202024-06-01%2018-07-50.mp4
Hi, After selling and repurchasing the locomotives the troubles are already getting better but the big locomotives keep derailing on switches and where rails fit together. Cars and the small locomotives arent having troubles. Testet in a MP sesion
hmmm.. I have not ever done testing in MP, are you experiencing the same issues in single player? Also, it sound like you might have the animated objects mod? That will cause many issues with switches in particular
Hey love your mods having a lot of fun.. however i cannot seem to hook the locomotive up from the opposite end of the train once i have turned the loco around.. is there a trick to this or is it not possible?
Yes unfortunately it is a limitation of the game engine, you have to disconnect all of them, do the run around, then reconnect everything. I wish I could do something about it, I know it kinda breaks the immersion of it
Aye it's not too much of a headache though... what was a headache was creating a triangle to turn the loco. finally got it thanks to that snapping mod you recommended... do you have a discord?
Good to hear! and I havent created a wye track yet, but I did create a turn table! it will be included in the next update. I dont have a discord server no, just a discord account myself
Thank you for the more realistic horn and bell sounds. The fix has worked good with the CSX SD40's , but I am unable to get the NS SD40's to stay on the track. The NS SD40 acts like it is too wide and will not settle down in the tracks.
I have a few paint scheme request for the CSX SD40-2 posted below:
Youre welcome! you need to sell all locos and rebuy them, I believe that is why you are experiencing issues with the NS SD40 as all the SD40s are setup the exact same. I absolutely will be adding some Chessie cats at some point!
Thank you so Much Jweezy for that fix it is more stable Now , I was wondering if you can Make this Burlington Route Locomotive i just found this engine so beautiful and if you are planning on Making some Caboose it would be so Great Thanks in Advance My friend Very much Appreciated
Youre welcome! I am glad they are working much better for you now! Yes I plan on adding a burlington route loco, I dont have that high hood specifically, but I will be adding burlington locos! Cabooses will be coming at some point as well
Is it just me or anybody else having issue with the Locomotives after the update? the moment you unfold them they start bouncing on the track. They do not adapt to the track. They were working fine before the update
This is the log error
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
Howdy, I have had one report of similar issues and we found that you might need to sell existing locomotives and rebuy them? there was a major change to the suspension that it appears can be an issue for some save games. try selling all locomotives and repurchasing them, and let me know if you are still having issues?
and the Berkshire isn’t ready yet, I removed the mod from the pack but forgot to remove the line from the modDesc so that is where that one is coming from
as for the warnings from the placeable track, that is the way that I get the switches to work. It’s just a warning, not an error so I don’t think it’ll affect game much? I’ll see if I can rework the switches in the future to possibly remove that warning. But I’m not sure it’s possible
Hi Jweezy Thank you so much For this Mod its Amazing just wondering if you are Planning to Make a Turn Table it would Be Great I know its gonna be be difficult to make but i guess its possible just Asking Thank you so Much
Howdy, yes I plan on making a turn table when I can. I havent been able to find a proper model that I could use, so I will probably model up my own so itll take a bit of time. but it is in the plans for the future!
Hey ! First of all : thank you for your mods, they're some of the highest quality and well-made mods this community has seen, and i think I speak for all of us when I say we're all hyped to see what you'll come up with next !
I'm from the site, the number 1 modding website for Farming Simulator. We've been publishing your mods since we discovered you (All of them redirect directly to your the corresponding page, we try to make sure original links and credits are respected for every mods). Yours mods have been a hit with the community, and they've been selected multiple time in the Youtuber En3rgie5 weekly KingChoice which showcase the best mods of the week, and they've ranked highly everytime
Would you be interested in creating an account to publish your mods in the future ? You'd get increased visibility, and you can claim all the mods already published ! We'd be so hyped to have you :)
Howdy! Thank you so much for the kind words, I very much appreciate that!
I am glad my mods have been such a hit on Kingmods, thank you so much for posting them and for giving me the credit that I deserve! I really appreciate that as well. I am so so happy that so many people are enjoying my mods!
I will consider creating an account to publish my mods in the future. I appreciate the offer, and I will let you know if/when I do create an account!
Hello there! Neat to see that my SketchUp models have gotten some use. While I don't have farming simulator, from what I've watched this mod seems to be very well done. If you want any trains or rolling stock done, I'd be happy to help.
Howdy! Thank you so much for the kind words, that is much appreciated! I have tried to make them as realistic and as functional as possible. Yes that C40-8 is a fantastic model! you did a phenomenal job, made it easy for me to bring it into the game and make the locomotive functional. Thank you for the offer!
I just read this back, I realize I never clarified. TRG on the SketchUp 3D warehouse is my other account. Same as I said before, you’re welcome to use those trains. This mod has developed quite a bit since I last saw it, nice job!
Oh wow I had no idea TRG was you! thank you so so much! you make PHENOMENAL models. This mod would not be what it is without your hard work to make those incredible models! I have been able to learn so so much in blender by having such well put together and clean models to work with! again I thank you so much!
And yeah I have been developing a lot of stuff on it! I feel like I have learned how to add more and more detail as I learn more and more. I still have more ideas planned so more to come!
Last I heard from you, you didnt even play FS. Have you played it since to check them out? or just seeing videos and pictures of the mods?
My pleasure! I made the trains just for this purpose. I watched a few videos and scrolled through your gallery, I am amazed at how good the rendering engine made my trains look. I'll admit, I forgot to look at this mod for a while, but it's incredible to see how much you've added.
Unfortunately I've still not played FS, it's got a pretty hefty price tag. I might try it out some day. Do you have Discord? I could more easily send screenshots of my work if you're looking for ideas or if you have any requests/plans.
Glad to hear! out of curiosity, has anybody else used your models for mods for stuff? and no worries! haha. I am sure you can see the difference between some of the first locomotives and rolling stock that I brought in game, and my recent work. I definitely feel like I have improved a lot and am able to do the models justice better! haha and thank you! I just keep coming up with more and more ideas.
And I totally understand. I am on FS22 still for multiple reasons. I do have discord! I am nhlmetpenguins on discord?
The in game trains don't detail... Will you be adding a feature to maybe turn on/off train derailment? Or maybe remove it altogether? (Only found this mod yesterday - nice mod :) )
Thank you! No i do not intend to add features to turn off train derailment, the in game trains are very unrealistic in that aspect. I am trying to make these trains as realistic as possible, and real trains will derail if the track is not aligned properly, or you take a corner too fast.
That being said, I do think they derail a bit too easily at the moment. So I am working on an update to increase the stability and reduce derailments. Hope to get the update out this weekend!
Thanks for the reply. It's a fair point you make about making the trains more realistic; but your stability update will be good though to reduce derailments a bit... one update you could consider (and I think someone else mentioned it somewhere!) is having some way to move the switch levers at track intersections without having to stop and get out of the train.
Yes hoping to get a big update out soon! I think it gets them a lot closer to realistic. Much less derailments, but still not taking corners at 100mph without coming off the tracks haha. I will see what y'all think once its released!
Yes I would love to be able to be able to switch the junctions without getting out of the locomotive, unfortunately it is really easy to come up with these ideas, and a lot harder to actually make them happen. I havent been able to think of a way to make that possible yet. I will continue to think about it and of course if you have any ideas how to make that happen I am all ears!
I know nothing about coding, but here's an idea... In the game, triggers appear on screen (such as the floating blue sleep trigger at the front door of your farm house).
When your'e close enough to a blue floater, the associated keys to it are added to the list of keys in the top-left corner of the screen... So the idea is this : have the track switch levers act like the floating icons, but increase their range, so the closest track switch lever, when in range, shows two keys in the top-left menu ( for switching the track left and right). These keys can then be pressed by the player to change the position of the closest track switch lever. [The menu could also be set up to always display the keys for the closest switch lever, when onboard a train].
I'm sure all coding is hard! But this idea uses existing in-game mechanics to try to create a solution. I think its a good idea, but I've no idea is it's even possible :)
Hello thank you! I originally got most of the models from sketchup, and the textures I made almost all of them entirely myself after UDIM'ing the models and stuff
this is a amazing mod one of the best ideas this is constructive criticism 1. i do think the staybility should be maybe 1.5x/2x more since mine some times comes of track on a flat straight track at 50mph with just one coal trailer and it also derailed on 2 90⁰ corners at 18mph 2. also would be cool if you could put in the NS GP33ECO Or even just a skin on a exsiting one 3. Maybe a wider flat bed or one that you can make wider so you can put a combine on it since ik it happens IRL
1. I have not had that issue on the straights.. I have had freight trains of 50 or more cars and passenger trains at 50mph on straights with no issues.. are you sure you are getting the track lined up perfectly? If you dont, it will cause derailments.
I am trying to make them as realistic as possible, not like the in game train that is very unrealistic. irl you cant speed through corners, 5 degree you can go thru pretty fast, but the 10, 20, 30 and 90s are all very sharp in the railroad world. You wont be able to speed thru them.
2. That NS locomotive looks sweet! It looks like the GP33ECO is a rebuild of a GP50? I dont have a model of a GP50.. do they have an ECO unit of a GP38?
3. Hmmm I will have to look into that.. the flatbeds I have are the standard width for the rail and for the locomotives, I will have to see how they haul wide loads irl and see if I can create that!
I THINK.. I figured out a way to make them a lot more stable and hopefully derail less! Its not for sure yet, I am still working on it. but in testing I was only able to go about 30-35mph with a single locomotive prior. with this new technique, I was able to take the same corner at 45mph with no derailment. I will do more testing and hopefully this will be a major stability update for the pack!
I have not done any testing of them in MP as I dont play MP, so if youre using them on MP and youre experiencing major derailments.. Could you try the same map in single player and test it? Idk if thats possible with the exact same map and save game or not? Idk if any kind of lag or anything in MP would effect them?
Hmmm that looks like the ECO model is a GP60 in that vid with some old UP GP38s. Lemme look closer at NS roster and see if they have any ECO projects in the GP38 or even SD40 or something and I will see what I can do! I am also planning on adding NS heritage units at some point
Thank you! I am glad youre enjoying them, I hope this next update makes them so so much better!
Ah nice yes seems to be a tiny bit more stable in SP does not seem to just random derail as much still does every so often but a lot less about the GP train sorry i live in the UK so don't know much about the diffrences Lmao i just like the skin/paintjob of the NS Eco that green and black looks nice i'm just setting up a farm where The Train line goes from a selling point to the shop so i can transport new equipment and then in to the middle of my farm and i can use a excavator type thing to load the train up with Grain's quick question how would i set up a sell point with the COAL Hopper? how would i empty in to it
Yeah I havent done any testing in MP, but hopefully this next update will improve it in MP as well! No no youre good man! The GP50 is quite a bit different looking than the GP38 model that I do have, butt I agree that Norfolk Southern ECO paint job looks fantastic! and I hope you enjoy your train line for use on your farm! the Coal hoppers can unload from underneath, so any sell point that is in the ground (even the in game sell point I think is what I have used?) you should be able to unload the coal cars into a sell point below
amazing mod man definitely changed/added a new type of game for everyone, i seen down below your dedicated on adding more stuff and improving everything so was just interested to see if you where interested in Australian trains, NR class, 82 class etc would be amazing to see that in the game
Thank you! glad you are enjoying them! at some point in the future I want to expand into other countries locomotives and rolling stock, I just started with North American as that is what I know
J-Weezy. What is so commendable about you is that you are providing these amazing mods to the community, actively listening to people and continuing to support updates so quickly. I can really tell you have a passion for this and it's not stuck behind a pay wall. Congratulations on the success of this release.
Thank you for those kind words! I very much appreciate that. Yes I have been trying to listen to feedback and criticisms from the community, whether it be social media, on my itch, or youtube reviews, it is a lot tho so I havent been able to get to everything haha. butt yes, totally free, I want the entire community to be able to enjoy all of this! I have so much planned for this, but I work a full time job so I can only mod sometimes, so I am glad you feel they are quick updates! Thank you so much again!
Glad you are liking it! I have a set of viewliners and an SDP40F that I will add at some point, Maybe I can find some metro stuff to add as well! I will definitely be adding their new SD70MACHs
Hello JWeezy Construction, I just found the Fs22 mod. I think it's super cool and I think it's a shame that there are only American Locomotives and Wagons. I would be happy if DDr Locomotives and Wagons were added, e.g. Br v218, Br v60, Br 119,... and I once again think it's a super cool mod and I think you should continue
Howdy, I am glad you are liking it, I started with North American Locomotives and Rolling stock because that is what I know. Maybe at some point in the future I can expand to locomotives and wagons from other parts of the world, or maybe another modder can help me with it!
Hi Jweezy, me and my brother love this mod but we feel it would be cool for you to add a "sticky" wheel feature so trains dont derail as much. I expect the coding and programming is easier said than done but it would be nice to be able to drive with little risk. Love the mod otherwise, this is a home run.
I've been looking for a mod like this collection ever since Farm Sim added drivable trains. The dream would be to have them connect to the map train and them be able to pick up and drop off cars, but I understand how much bigger of an ordeal that would be. Lol
Do you think you could port the existing locomotives in the base game as options for this mod? There's just something about the goofy mash-ups they are that just have a certain charm for me. Either way I look forward to updates!
Haha glad you are enjoying them! yeah I cant combine with the map train unfortunately, but you can connect the track to the in game track!
I dont have any plans to port the existing locomotives, since they are so goofy looking and it would require a lot of work to make them work the way my locomotives do. I have tried to stay with real life locomotives and realistic rolling stock for now. But maybe in the future I will! we shall see
Update on trains for me: The level of difficultly to put on tracks is limited to the type of Train or trailers...Seems the longer the more swaying around and need of the fence... I had almost zero issues with the NS C44-9W when putting it on "bare" rail... it was very stable with no swaying when picked up in the middle and did not bounce allover when setting down, I was able to put on track quickly and no frustration like the AMTRACK P42DC caused me! So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say... It's mostly the train-trailers and not the installer LOL 😅 Really enjoying these mods!
Haha I am glad youre getting the hang of it! they can be kinda tricky to get on the track, but with the rerailer its pretty easy and with some practice on bare rail it gets much easier!
The current version on my site does actually have incline and decline tracks! as well as a placeable railroad bridge, and track that can be placed as a fence that will go up and down uneven terrain, although it is not perfect haha. So you should have multiple options to change the elevation of the track so that it doesnt have to be completely flat anymore
Would a trackmoblie be possible for moving cars around the feed mills in a future update. Some of the mills I used to haul to had them for loading and unloading. Thank you again
I have discussed a trackmobile with one of my testers, I think that is a great idea! I just have to find a model that I can start with and go from there
Yes absolutely! I plan on updating the horns to reflect real life sounds. I would also like to update the interiors at some point. I know the SD70's and the SD90's interiors are HORRIBLE and not accurate at all, and the GEVOs and SD40s are mediocre at best, but the models I found didnt come with interiors at all so I tried to do the best I could for now..
Awesome! These models are amazing and can't wait to see the future of them. You're definitely making a whole new frontier for FS and I'm all in for it.
There is a track called The RERAILER (Invisible walls)...Can be used to get trains set on track however the track is usually static (part of the whole line) you can put the 100m rerailer down when building the train line along with a removable wall (which I found it made it easier using with the rerailer). The wall can be used anywhere and removed if your train comes off track.
Added second fence guide to opposite side now able grab train and put to back wall then slide between the shorter to set train on track in seconds. :)
They are part of Lambomods Military mods: 5/1/2024 UPDATED. The white walls are supposed to have textures but you need to be a patron to get them. (you do not have to be a patron to use... they're just missing textures) However he puts out some amazing mods and many have the textures. Link here: When on page CLICK show more to get download
IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY TO PUT THE RAIL cars on the tracks without them swinging all over the place it make it hard to put on track even with the invisible wheels on it still take 10-15 min to line up on car bc of the swing when it
Great mods...If anyone is having issues with placing the trains and cars on the track...I found a solution that has help me and cut my time and frustration down to almost zero...I put up a fence behind the track and use it to stop the train, cars from tipping over and keeping them squared with the track. Enabling you to finish putting them on.
Great...I just move the store close to the wall and purchase the trains- cars and the move them by hand over to the wall...just have to keep the wall far enough away so it doesn't interfere. Other walls or fences will work, I was just testing my idea with the ones shown in my post. .
First off Thank You for making this mod. I'm like a little kid playing trains lol. All cars & locomotives show up & works well. My main problem with this mod is that the loco & cars like to derail at the slightest turn at any speed. But that might be on my end. Overall I love this mod & I'm having fun playing it. I'm looking forward to see what you do next with it.
track need to be lined up almost perfect i found snap off works best for me but if you have animaded objects it will make trains derail because switches change as you go threw
thank you! And as for the derailments, I have been able to take 10 degree turns on mainline at 25mph with a 50 car intermodal train. The track does have to be pretty perfect, are you unfolding all locomotives and rolling stock? If not, they will derail at any turns
Hi, I can not for the life of me find the trains nor the cars in game. They are checked at the game start. The track pack works great. Any help would be thankful. Me too
howdy, have you tried starting a game with just the locomotives and rolling stock selected? It could be a mod conflict. They are both in their own store categories in the store
Hi, I can not for the life of me find the trains nor the cars in game. They are checked at the game start. The track pack works great. Any help would be thankful. TY Ken
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im having issues with them not showing up in my game there in the mod menu but not showing up in game itself any reason why this would be doing it? i would love to be able to use these awesome mods
Am i the only one having issues with flatbeds? i just cant take corners when they're loaded they just skip the corners and derail...
I believe I had the flatbeds messed up, where when you tension belted something down it would tension belt to the railcar in front or behind the flatbed as well, which wouldn’t allow them to turn for the bend. I will have that fixed in the next update!
Okay Thank you very much!
Can you make it compatible with console
No this will not be coming to console.
JWeezy if u need sound files like train horns and bells i can give some if u want like a K5llA or K5HL or K5LA
howdy, thank you! I appreciate that. I have all new engine start, idle, rev, air purge, horn, and bell noises that will be included in the next update. Including different horns for just about all locomotives. You’ll have to let me know what you think of them when I get them released!
how should i send the sound files for the horns through discord or Facebook
hello,I have i problem with locomotives,they keep derailing and I don´t know what to do. Can I ask for help ? Sorry for the mistakes, I´m not very good at English
Hi, I have the same problems with all bigger locomotives since the last update. The small ones (799000€) are working fine
The SD40 has got most problems. That one can't even stay straigt on the tracks when unfolded. I hope it will be fixed soon
Some people are reporting that they had to sell all locomotives and repurchase them after the last update. There were major suspension changes. So try selling all locomotives and repurchase them
Ahoj, už jsem to zkoušel a nepomohlo to. Pak mě napadlo mod odinstalovat a jeho opětovná instalace nepomohla. Mohu tedy požádat o pomoc, prosím?file:///C:/Users/42072/OneDrive/Desktop/screan%20shoty%20blitz/Farming%20Simulator%2022%202024-06-01%2018-07-50.mp4
I am sending you a short video here
Try selling all locomotives and repurchasing. Some people were reporting errors and issues that would be fixed after selling and repurchasing
Hi, After selling and repurchasing the locomotives the troubles are already getting better but the big locomotives keep derailing on switches and where rails fit together. Cars and the small locomotives arent having troubles. Testet in a MP sesion
hmmm.. I have not ever done testing in MP, are you experiencing the same issues in single player? Also, it sound like you might have the animated objects mod? That will cause many issues with switches in particular
Hey love your mods having a lot of fun.. however i cannot seem to hook the locomotive up from the opposite end of the train once i have turned the loco around.. is there a trick to this or is it not possible?
nevermind, looks like its been answered in the rolling stock page..
Yes unfortunately it is a limitation of the game engine, you have to disconnect all of them, do the run around, then reconnect everything. I wish I could do something about it, I know it kinda breaks the immersion of it
Aye it's not too much of a headache though... what was a headache was creating a triangle to turn the loco. finally got it thanks to that snapping mod you recommended... do you have a discord?
Good to hear! and I havent created a wye track yet, but I did create a turn table! it will be included in the next update. I dont have a discord server no, just a discord account myself
Thank you for the more realistic horn and bell sounds. The fix has worked good with the CSX SD40's , but I am unable to get the NS SD40's to stay on the track. The NS SD40 acts like it is too wide and will not settle down in the tracks.
I have a few paint scheme request for the CSX SD40-2 posted below:
Youre welcome! you need to sell all locos and rebuy them, I believe that is why you are experiencing issues with the NS SD40 as all the SD40s are setup the exact same. I absolutely will be adding some Chessie cats at some point!
Thank you for the Chessie Cat 73.
Haha youre welcome! more Chessie Cats to come
Youre welcome! I am glad they are working much better for you now! Yes I plan on adding a burlington route loco, I dont have that high hood specifically, but I will be adding burlington locos! Cabooses will be coming at some point as well
Thank you so much my Friends !
Great mod! Would you consider adding SD70MACs (mainly CSX for me) into it?
Thank you! Yes I absolutely would consider it! I will see what I can do
Is it just me or anybody else having issue with the Locomotives after the update? the moment you unfold them they start bouncing on the track. They do not adapt to the track. They were working fine before the update
This is the log error
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/CSX_GP38_2.i3d (26.45 ms)
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 data/effects/wheel/wheelEmitterShape.i3d (0.24 ms)
2024-05-25 19:56 data/effects/exhaust/exhaust.i3d (0.27 ms)
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 0
2024-05-25 19:56 Real Dirt Color successfully applied to ELECTRO-MOTIVE DIESEL CSX GP38-2
2024-05-25 19:56 Info: 1 vehicle(s) reloaded
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 277
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 278
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 279
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 280
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 281
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 282
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 283
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 284
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 285
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 286
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 287
2024-05-25 19:56 Error (physics): Wheel shape not found for 'getAxleSpeed', object bogie wheelShapeIndex 288
Howdy, I have had one report of similar issues and we found that you might need to sell existing locomotives and rebuy them? there was a major change to the suspension that it appears can be an issue for some save games. try selling all locomotives and repurchasing them, and let me know if you are still having issues?
Perfect. Thats working. But there is this error for the Berkshire
2024-05-25 21:16 Error: Can't load resource 'mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/'.
and the following pile of warnings come up over 500 lines
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (curveCol)
2024-05-25 21:19 Warning (physics): 2024-05-25 21:19 Static actor moved (20m_straight)
perfect! Glad that fixed it.
and the Berkshire isn’t ready yet, I removed the mod from the pack but forgot to remove the line from the modDesc so that is where that one is coming from
as for the warnings from the placeable track, that is the way that I get the switches to work. It’s just a warning, not an error so I don’t think it’ll affect game much? I’ll see if I can rework the switches in the future to possibly remove that warning. But I’m not sure it’s possible
thanks buddy no problem on the warnings, just wanted to let u know
Hi Jweezy Thank you so much For this Mod its Amazing just wondering if you are Planning to Make a Turn Table it would Be Great I know its gonna be be difficult to make but i guess its possible just Asking Thank you so Much
Howdy, yes I plan on making a turn table when I can. I havent been able to find a proper model that I could use, so I will probably model up my own so itll take a bit of time. but it is in the plans for the future!
Thanks My Friend can't wait to see that in Operation ! thank you so Much !!!
Hey ! First of all : thank you for your mods, they're some of the highest quality and well-made mods this community has seen, and i think I speak for all of us when I say we're all hyped to see what you'll come up with next !
I'm from the site, the number 1 modding website for Farming Simulator. We've been publishing your mods since we discovered you (All of them redirect directly to your the corresponding page, we try to make sure original links and credits are respected for every mods). Yours mods have been a hit with the community, and they've been selected multiple time in the Youtuber En3rgie5 weekly KingChoice which showcase the best mods of the week, and they've ranked highly everytime
Would you be interested in creating an account to publish your mods in the future ? You'd get increased visibility, and you can claim all the mods already published ! We'd be so hyped to have you :)
Howdy! Thank you so much for the kind words, I very much appreciate that!
I am glad my mods have been such a hit on Kingmods, thank you so much for posting them and for giving me the credit that I deserve! I really appreciate that as well. I am so so happy that so many people are enjoying my mods!
I will consider creating an account to publish my mods in the future. I appreciate the offer, and I will let you know if/when I do create an account!
Thank you again so much for everything!
Hello there! Neat to see that my SketchUp models have gotten some use. While I don't have farming simulator, from what I've watched this mod seems to be very well done. If you want any trains or rolling stock done, I'd be happy to help.
Howdy! Thank you so much for the kind words, that is much appreciated! I have tried to make them as realistic and as functional as possible. Yes that C40-8 is a fantastic model! you did a phenomenal job, made it easy for me to bring it into the game and make the locomotive functional. Thank you for the offer!
I just read this back, I realize I never clarified. TRG on the SketchUp 3D warehouse is my other account. Same as I said before, you’re welcome to use those trains. This mod has developed quite a bit since I last saw it, nice job!
Oh wow I had no idea TRG was you! thank you so so much! you make PHENOMENAL models. This mod would not be what it is without your hard work to make those incredible models! I have been able to learn so so much in blender by having such well put together and clean models to work with! again I thank you so much!
And yeah I have been developing a lot of stuff on it! I feel like I have learned how to add more and more detail as I learn more and more. I still have more ideas planned so more to come!
Last I heard from you, you didnt even play FS. Have you played it since to check them out? or just seeing videos and pictures of the mods?
My pleasure! I made the trains just for this purpose. I watched a few videos and scrolled through your gallery, I am amazed at how good the rendering engine made my trains look. I'll admit, I forgot to look at this mod for a while, but it's incredible to see how much you've added.
Unfortunately I've still not played FS, it's got a pretty hefty price tag. I might try it out some day. Do you have Discord? I could more easily send screenshots of my work if you're looking for ideas or if you have any requests/plans.
Glad to hear! out of curiosity, has anybody else used your models for mods for stuff? and no worries! haha. I am sure you can see the difference between some of the first locomotives and rolling stock that I brought in game, and my recent work. I definitely feel like I have improved a lot and am able to do the models justice better! haha and thank you! I just keep coming up with more and more ideas.
And I totally understand. I am on FS22 still for multiple reasons. I do have discord! I am nhlmetpenguins on discord?
i would love to see yard train like this one i had it in FS17 in one of my maps
hello JWeezy i am papa smurf modding i would like to ask you a couple quistions
if you not mind to add me on FaceBook or my Discord Channel if you not mind here are the link to contact me
facebook link
Discord link
thank you for your time
you have made some really great mods keep up with the great work bud
Thank you! I have messaged you on Discord btw
thank you i have sent you a message in discord
The in game trains don't detail... Will you be adding a feature to maybe turn on/off train derailment? Or maybe remove it altogether? (Only found this mod yesterday - nice mod :) )
Thank you! No i do not intend to add features to turn off train derailment, the in game trains are very unrealistic in that aspect. I am trying to make these trains as realistic as possible, and real trains will derail if the track is not aligned properly, or you take a corner too fast.
That being said, I do think they derail a bit too easily at the moment. So I am working on an update to increase the stability and reduce derailments. Hope to get the update out this weekend!
Thanks for the reply. It's a fair point you make about making the trains more realistic; but your stability update will be good though to reduce derailments a bit... one update you could consider (and I think someone else mentioned it somewhere!) is having some way to move the switch levers at track intersections without having to stop and get out of the train.
Yes hoping to get a big update out soon! I think it gets them a lot closer to realistic. Much less derailments, but still not taking corners at 100mph without coming off the tracks haha. I will see what y'all think once its released!
Yes I would love to be able to be able to switch the junctions without getting out of the locomotive, unfortunately it is really easy to come up with these ideas, and a lot harder to actually make them happen. I havent been able to think of a way to make that possible yet. I will continue to think about it and of course if you have any ideas how to make that happen I am all ears!
I know nothing about coding, but here's an idea... In the game, triggers appear on screen (such as the floating blue sleep trigger at the front door of your farm house).
When your'e close enough to a blue floater, the associated keys to it are added to the list of keys in the top-left corner of the screen... So the idea is this : have the track switch levers act like the floating icons, but increase their range, so the closest track switch lever, when in range, shows two keys in the top-left menu ( for switching the track left and right). These keys can then be pressed by the player to change the position of the closest track switch lever. [The menu could also be set up to always display the keys for the closest switch lever, when onboard a train].
I'm sure all coding is hard! But this idea uses existing in-game mechanics to try to create a solution. I think its a good idea, but I've no idea is it's even possible :)
hello, nice mod, where you take models and textures for this
Hello thank you! I originally got most of the models from sketchup, and the textures I made almost all of them entirely myself after UDIM'ing the models and stuff
maybe you have Discord? my ds garik_59
Why doesn't super strength work on the train?
use the lumberjack mod. thats the only way you can pick them up
this is a amazing mod one of the best ideas
this is constructive criticism
1. i do think the staybility should be maybe 1.5x/2x more since mine some times comes of track on a flat straight track at 50mph with just one coal trailer and it also derailed on 2 90⁰ corners at 18mph
2. also would be cool if you could put in the NS GP33ECO Or even just a skin on a exsiting one
3. Maybe a wider flat bed or one that you can make wider so you can put a combine on it since ik it happens IRL
Thank you for your feedback, my thoughts
1. I have not had that issue on the straights.. I have had freight trains of 50 or more cars and passenger trains at 50mph on straights with no issues.. are you sure you are getting the track lined up perfectly? If you dont, it will cause derailments.
I am trying to make them as realistic as possible, not like the in game train that is very unrealistic. irl you cant speed through corners, 5 degree you can go thru pretty fast, but the 10, 20, 30 and 90s are all very sharp in the railroad world. You wont be able to speed thru them.
2. That NS locomotive looks sweet! It looks like the GP33ECO is a rebuild of a GP50? I dont have a model of a GP50.. do they have an ECO unit of a GP38?
3. Hmmm I will have to look into that.. the flatbeds I have are the standard width for the rail and for the locomotives, I will have to see how they haul wide loads irl and see if I can create that!
Thank you again for the feedback
all i can think about it just random derailing is maybe got to do with Multiplayer
But this is a super good mod Keep Up The Good Work :)track looks perfect to me tbh
About the GP33/50 there is one YT vid that says NS GP38
I THINK.. I figured out a way to make them a lot more stable and hopefully derail less! Its not for sure yet, I am still working on it. but in testing I was only able to go about 30-35mph with a single locomotive prior. with this new technique, I was able to take the same corner at 45mph with no derailment. I will do more testing and hopefully this will be a major stability update for the pack!
I have not done any testing of them in MP as I dont play MP, so if youre using them on MP and youre experiencing major derailments.. Could you try the same map in single player and test it? Idk if thats possible with the exact same map and save game or not? Idk if any kind of lag or anything in MP would effect them?
Hmmm that looks like the ECO model is a GP60 in that vid with some old UP GP38s. Lemme look closer at NS roster and see if they have any ECO projects in the GP38 or even SD40 or something and I will see what I can do! I am also planning on adding NS heritage units at some point
Thank you! I am glad youre enjoying them, I hope this next update makes them so so much better!
Ah nice
yes seems to be a tiny bit more stable in SP
does not seem to just random derail as much still does every so often but a lot less
about the GP train sorry i live in the UK so don't know much about the diffrences Lmao
i just like the skin/paintjob of the NS Eco that green and black looks nice
i'm just setting up a farm where The Train line goes from a selling point to the shop so i can transport new equipment and then in to the middle of my farm and i can use a excavator type thing to load the train up with Grain's
quick question how would i set up a sell point with the COAL Hopper? how would i empty in to it
Yeah I havent done any testing in MP, but hopefully this next update will improve it in MP as well!
No no youre good man! The GP50 is quite a bit different looking than the GP38 model that I do have, butt I agree that Norfolk Southern ECO paint job looks fantastic! and I hope you enjoy your train line for use on your farm! the Coal hoppers can unload from underneath, so any sell point that is in the ground (even the in game sell point I think is what I have used?) you should be able to unload the coal cars into a sell point below
amazing mod man definitely changed/added a new type of game for everyone, i seen down below your dedicated on adding more stuff and improving everything so was just interested to see if you where interested in Australian trains, NR class, 82 class etc would be amazing to see that in the game
Thank you! glad you are enjoying them! at some point in the future I want to expand into other countries locomotives and rolling stock, I just started with North American as that is what I know
J-Weezy. What is so commendable about you is that you are providing these amazing mods to the community, actively listening to people and continuing to support updates so quickly. I can really tell you have a passion for this and it's not stuck behind a pay wall. Congratulations on the success of this release.
Thank you for those kind words! I very much appreciate that. Yes I have been trying to listen to feedback and criticisms from the community, whether it be social media, on my itch, or youtube reviews, it is a lot tho so I havent been able to get to everything haha. butt yes, totally free, I want the entire community to be able to enjoy all of this! I have so much planned for this, but I work a full time job so I can only mod sometimes, so I am glad you feel they are quick updates! Thank you so much again!
would love to see some metro north type passenger trains in the future
loving this mod so far just hoping for more passenger type stuff
Glad you are liking it! I have a set of viewliners and an SDP40F that I will add at some point, Maybe I can find some metro stuff to add as well! I will definitely be adding their new SD70MACHs
great to hear
Hello JWeezy Construction, I just found the Fs22 mod. I think it's super cool and I think it's a shame that there are only American Locomotives and Wagons. I would be happy if DDr Locomotives and Wagons were added, e.g. Br v218, Br v60, Br 119,... and I once again think it's a super cool mod and I think you should continue
Howdy, I am glad you are liking it, I started with North American Locomotives and Rolling stock because that is what I know. Maybe at some point in the future I can expand to locomotives and wagons from other parts of the world, or maybe another modder can help me with it!
Hi Jweezy, me and my brother love this mod but we feel it would be cool for you to add a "sticky" wheel feature so trains dont derail as much. I expect the coding and programming is easier said than done but it would be nice to be able to drive with little risk. Love the mod otherwise, this is a home run.
I've been looking for a mod like this collection ever since Farm Sim added drivable trains. The dream would be to have them connect to the map train and them be able to pick up and drop off cars, but I understand how much bigger of an ordeal that would be. Lol
Do you think you could port the existing locomotives in the base game as options for this mod? There's just something about the goofy mash-ups they are that just have a certain charm for me. Either way I look forward to updates!
Haha glad you are enjoying them! yeah I cant combine with the map train unfortunately, but you can connect the track to the in game track!
I dont have any plans to port the existing locomotives, since they are so goofy looking and it would require a lot of work to make them work the way my locomotives do. I have tried to stay with real life locomotives and realistic rolling stock for now. But maybe in the future I will! we shall see
Update on trains for me: The level of difficultly to put on tracks is limited to the type of Train or trailers...Seems the longer the more swaying around and need of the fence... I had almost zero issues with the NS C44-9W when putting it on "bare" rail... it was very stable with no swaying when picked up in the middle and did not bounce allover when setting down, I was able to put on track quickly and no frustration like the AMTRACK P42DC caused me! So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say... It's mostly the train-trailers and not the installer LOL 😅 Really enjoying these mods!
Haha I am glad youre getting the hang of it! they can be kinda tricky to get on the track, but with the rerailer its pretty easy and with some practice on bare rail it gets much easier!
this is actually so cool, are there any plans for grades so terrain doesn't have to be completely flat?
The current version on my site does actually have incline and decline tracks! as well as a placeable railroad bridge, and track that can be placed as a fence that will go up and down uneven terrain, although it is not perfect haha. So you should have multiple options to change the elevation of the track so that it doesnt have to be completely flat anymore
Would a trackmoblie be possible for moving cars around the feed mills in a future update. Some of the mills I used to haul to had them for loading and unloading. Thank you again
I have discussed a trackmobile with one of my testers, I think that is a great idea! I just have to find a model that I can start with and go from there
could you make more loco's not only US but also from the Netherlands
Germany and swiss even the Elec loc's
that whould be cool
Yes I might plan on expanding to European locomotives at some point! I just focused on North American Locomotives at first since that is what I know
since there are maps whit E-Lec's standert in the game whitout mods and maybe try to make the mods smaller since they are placed on the C:\Documents
Are there any plans to update the locomotive horns to reflect the more real life sounds vs the stock sound from FS?
Yes absolutely! I plan on updating the horns to reflect real life sounds. I would also like to update the interiors at some point. I know the SD70's and the SD90's interiors are HORRIBLE and not accurate at all, and the GEVOs and SD40s are mediocre at best, but the models I found didnt come with interiors at all so I tried to do the best I could for now..
Awesome! These models are amazing and can't wait to see the future of them. You're definitely making a whole new frontier for FS and I'm all in for it.
Thank you! glad youre enjoying them so much, and yeah I think it has really unlocked a whole new realm of capabilities in FS!
There is a track called The RERAILER (Invisible walls)...Can be used to get trains set on track however the track is usually static (part of the whole line) you can put the 100m rerailer down when building the train line along with a removable wall (which I found it made it easier using with the rerailer). The wall can be used anywhere and removed if your train comes off track.
This Is Unbelievable! In My Humble Opinion This May be The Greatest Mod Ever! Mr. JWeezy You Are Amazing! Thank You!
Hey hey thank you so much for that! I really appreciate that! they are by no means perfect, but I think this railroad stuff has been pretty fun!
Game changer much needed mod, thank you very much
Youre welcome! glad youre enjoying them
Added second fence guide to opposite side now able grab train and put to back wall then slide between the shorter to set train on track in seconds. :)
where did u get the fence ?
They are part of Lambomods Military mods: 5/1/2024 UPDATED. The white walls are supposed to have textures but you need to be a patron to get them. (you do not have to be a patron to use... they're just missing textures) However he puts out some amazing mods and many have the textures. Link here: When on page CLICK show more to get download
will there be steam choo choos?
I do have plans to add steam trains! they are a lot more complicated with much more moving parts, so it might be a bit before I am able to add the
yay and understandable im just happy theyll be added at some point
Yes they will be in the works!
This Mod Is So Appreciated I Hesitate To Even Ask But Possibly A Caboose As Well?
Thanks a bunch! yes I have plans for a caboose as well as a large snow plow actually haha
IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY TO PUT THE RAIL cars on the tracks without them swinging all over the place it make it hard to put on track even with the invisible wheels on it still take 10-15 min to line up on car bc of the swing when it
pick up . and also logos flicker on trains .
Great mods...If anyone is having issues with placing the trains and cars on the track...I found a solution that has help me and cut my time and frustration down to almost zero...I put up a fence behind the track and use it to stop the train, cars from tipping over and keeping them squared with the track. Enabling you to finish putting them on.
omg thanks so much man i need this i just posted about it
Great...I just move the store close to the wall and purchase the trains- cars and the move them by hand over to the wall...just have to keep the wall far enough away so it doesn't interfere. Other walls or fences will work, I was just testing my idea with the ones shown in my post.
It WORKED Great put on track in less than 2 min .
First off Thank You for making this mod. I'm like a little kid playing trains lol. All cars & locomotives show up & works well. My main problem with this mod is that the loco & cars like to derail at the slightest turn at any speed. But that might be on my end. Overall I love this mod & I'm having fun playing it. I'm looking forward to see what you do next with it.
it might be on your end idk but i can do 5 mph and not derail its a 50/50 but overall it works and i love it haha
track need to be lined up almost perfect i found snap off works best for me but if you have animaded objects it will make trains derail because switches change as you go threw
thank you! And as for the derailments, I have been able to take 10 degree turns on mainline at 25mph with a 50 car intermodal train. The track does have to be pretty perfect, are you unfolding all locomotives and rolling stock? If not, they will derail at any turns
Hi, I can not for the life of me find the trains nor the cars in game. They are checked at the game start. The track pack works great. Any help would be thankful. Me too
they are in their own spot in store look on store trains are in veicals and cars in trailers
howdy, have you tried starting a game with just the locomotives and rolling stock selected? It could be a mod conflict. They are both in their own store categories in the store
Hi, I can not for the life of me find the trains nor the cars in game. They are checked at the game start. The track pack works great. Any help would be thankful. TY Ken