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for me the mod is extremely unstable when i buy the tower crane as a whole it spawns in extremely wobbly and doesnt stand straight up

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hello the mod doesnt work, it doesnt apears in the mod maneger

hmmm.. it is working for me just fine. Try starting a default map with just the Caterpillar 304e2 mod and this crane enabled, and let me know if that works? Could be a mod conflict

but i cant enable the crane because it just doesnt apears for me in the mod maneger

In the old version, I could lift the crane with Jeremy Brown cranes, but I can't lift it anymore, the crane is falling over, why could this be?

how do i attach the crane parts?

I suggest using cranes from Jeremy Brown, then there are attacher joints above and beside the pieces that you can attach to

Por favor darme alguna pista de que grua y cadenas se necesita para montar esto, que la verdad estoy encantado con tus mods. Que maravilla de mod. Enhorabuena.

this crane can be assembled using cranes from Jeremy Brown

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not sure if I'm missing something. shows up on my mod list, but doesn't show up in game.  

Error log says," Invalid category 'Equipment' in store data!"

Update. Was able to update the store category in the xml file and it now shows up in game. 


Shoot sorry forgot to put it in the desc, you need my Caterpillar 304E2 as well since that piece of equipment creates the store category. my bad!

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no problem,  and i see you updated the desc, will save a lot of  Enjoying your mods a lot my friend. 

yup got it updated! and glad you are enjoying them, much more to come

how did you find the xml file and how did you edit it?