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Is there anyway to make the coal cars fill by using the convayor belt system? Found a convayor that will carry stone and when I tried to fill the car it won't fill up. Wanting to set up a belt system from the rock quarry/Mine to a rail staging point for fill up.

you should be able to load the coal cars from the top.. I’ll have to look and see if I messed something up. Are you using the latest update?

Pretty sure I am. Unless you updated it within the past couple of days. I can use a Wheel loader to fill them without issue but when I use a convayor belt It carries the stone up the belt but doesn't dump the stone into the rail car.

Hmm that is interesting.. I have seen people on YT fill them with a conveyor belt exactly as you described with no issues.. What coal car and conveyor belt are you using? I will try and investigate and fix this issue!

It must have been my game bugging out or something cause NOW, it's working. Thanks for the reply and time. GREAT MODS!

Hmm well I am glad they are working now! Thank you for your kind words, glad youre enjoying them!

You can load them by conveyor I do it all the time on my coal mine map I have setup thats how I load my rail cars if I don't choose to use the mining loader that day

i cant get mod to load into mods

(1 edit)

does anybody know how I can make a smoother crossing instead of having the crossing plates get my road vehicles and lower trailers stuck on them between the rails?

How can I get Autodrive to start and not lock all the bogies? great mod by the way!

I think you can use courseplay, but last time I dealt with that mod was in FS19, so it may not work

I figured it out, I just swapped the values in animation  area of the xml, thanks for the reply though

what? xml each car or just the engine

Hi, I love your Work, It is Amazing, I did not know how to contact you so just letting you see this here.. Hope the Feedback Helps :) 
Not sure is it is on my end or in the mod itself..... ( Update) is throwing these errors:

2024-06-12 13:24 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Epic Games/FarmingSim22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerBaggagePHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-12 13:24 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Epic Games/FarmingSim22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerCoachPHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-12 13:24 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Epic Games/FarmingSim22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerLoungePHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-12 13:24 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Epic Games/FarmingSim22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerSleeperPHIVb.xml'.

Also: ( Update) is throwing this:

2024-06-12 13:24 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Epic Games/FarmingSim22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NKP_2-8-4_Berkshire.xml'.

2024-06-12 13:24 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Epic Games/FarmingSim22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NKP_2-8-4_Berkshire_Tender.xml'.

Howdy, yes thank you for the feedback. The viewliners and the Berkshire are not ready for release yet, so they are removed prior to release. That is why these errors are coming up.

Oh Ok, Awesome?? also do you have a Patreon or just preferer donations here?? 

Yeah hoping to have them both ready soon! I have gotten hooked on the heritage units lately tho so it might be a little bit longer haha. Nope no Patreon. There is absolutely no need to donate, youre totally able to download every single one of my mods for free, butt if you feel I deserve a donation for my hard work, a donation on my itch site here is always very much appreciated!!

Ben outta town haven’t been able to download all the new updates but,the Amtrak cars only couple on one side,is the anyway to differentiate between front or back when throwing them in the rerailer

The superliners only connect in one direction on purpose, as when you look at them, there is a rubber gromet on one side that is supposed to seal to the unit behind. Just like in real line. So when putting them on the rerailer, make sure that all the ends with the black rubber are pointed in the same direction, and make sure there is no spot where the black rubber is facing the black rubber, or else it wont connect

Puede agregar carga automática universal a los vagones

Hey, not sure if you had it planned but do you plan on adding support for the titan containers in the well car?

Howdy, yes I do plan on adding that

Hey mate. Sorry to bother you. I dont have any other way of contacting you hence sharing here. Of late getting the few errors in the log

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_Placeable_railroad/station.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_Placeable_railroad/yardSpawn.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NKP_2-8-4_Berkshire.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NKP_2-8-4_Berkshire_Tender.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/NYSW_GP38_2.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29   Warning: CATERPILLAR' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead!

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerBaggagePHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerCoachPHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerLoungePHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-04 21:29 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerSleeperPHIVb.xml'.

Howdy! No worries.

Yes the railroad station, the yard spawn, the Berkshire, and the viewliners are not ready yet, so I have been removing them prior to releasing updates, I just forgot to change the modDesc to not look for that stuff, my bad I will fix that on the next update.

that GEEP I messed up tho, it should have been included. I will fix that also!

Great. Thanks mate. Honestly enjoying your train mod Just waiting for the placeable roads, then my Western Wilds save will be even more immersive

(1 edit)

Really amazing mods, I love it.
Since the railroad mods are available i only use trains to sell goods.
Unfortunately, the tank waggons can't be loaded with molasses :/

Could that be fixed? (Filltype is Molasses) Maybe the Filltype can be changed to Filltype category Liquid? Then its depending on the map of which filltypes are accepted.

Maybe another Idea to improve the mods would be to set all cars and locos of the same type as 1 object in the store with the possibility to chanche the paintwork. Sosi Mods is using that system with his mod of the VW Golf 8 and the VW Passat for example.

But, as I said, great work! Thank you very much for the time and efforts you invest in these mods

Thank you! I am glad you are enjoying them. Yes I can absolutely add molasses to the tank cars.

I have considered this a lot.. I am not sure, maybe I should. It would also make updates a lot easier. I will consider it more

How do you open the door on the box car?


you need IC

Oh! Thank you

(1 edit)

hey idea  a caboose and older coaches. and found a few bugs the otiwa black loco has missing wheel texture the steam trian has a lot of flowting stuff and lacks power. but i know WIP had to update and add can we get a pumpcar or a small inspection car for RP or testing the track layout it would be easyer for testing if derailes

Yes caboose is in the works, as is some older passenger coaches. I will fixe the Ottawa loco! my mistake. Yes the steam loco was not supposed to be included yet, it is a WIP and is not released. I will see what I can do about a pump car or something!

sweet and i seen the commet about the steam train looks good so farand thank you loving this mod and if you can use this mod for parts for trucks and tweak this one it works on rails but has to be lowered a bit and needs arail mode so will go around curves and tracks added just helping


Amazing mods as always. Just a suggestion though. Is it possible for you to make a store category so that players can find all your mods under that as all the placeables are scattered in the sections.

Thank you! and yes, I wasnt able to figure out the store category script the first time I tried it. But I will try it again and get it figured out at some point soon!

Cool that's great. If you don't mind you can get in touch with Snakebizzle. his store category works just fine compared to Tri-State Crew which throws a bunch of errors.

Is anyone having trouble connecting to the grain cars with a locomotive that is different from the original locomotive that was connected to the grain cars? The cars will only reattach to the original locomotive and not to a different locomotive.

unfortunately Giants game engine only allows items to be connected in one direction, meaning you cant build a train from one end, then run around it and connect to the other side.. the only way to do this is to disconnect all of the railcars from each other by holding control and hitting the disconnect button, then running around and connecting them all back together from the other end. Nothing I can do to change that sadly as its a limit of Farming Sim. Is that what you are trying to do?

Thank you for your reply. What you described above is exactly what l am trying to do.  I have enjoyed using your train mod and I am looking forward to your updates. 

Yeah I recently did this while switching out an industry off of the mainline, then I used a passing siding to run around the train and grab it from the other end. Unfortunately this is the only way that you can do it as I described it, with disconnecting all the railcars and then reconnecting. I was on flat ground so it wasnt a huge deal as nothing moved, but it definitely breaks the emersion having to do that :/ I am glad you are enjoying it tho! I have plans for another update this weekend!

I just want to thank you for your mods and hard work! total game changer. I'm  having hours of fun with your mods. Is there any plans for a logging car? just wondering. 

Hey hey youre welcome! thank you for the appreciation, I am glad you are enjoying them so much! Yes I do have plans for a logging car, one of my testers just found me a good model I think so I hope to have it in game soon!

Would it be possible to add or have an option in the shop to have vertical  stakes on the flatcars for logs? 

Ill see what I can do about that! maybe I can find a log railcar even

where can i get the container for the intermodel?

The containers for the intermodal will be on my site soon hopefully. For now, I believe there are containers on the in game mod hub?

i cant find it in the shop

The rolling stock are in the trailer/attachments section of the store in their own section called Railroad Cars

Thank you for these three mods !

Do you already know what you will add in the next updates ? And when  ?

Updates will be posted today! a few new rolling stock, and Simple IC controls for all of the doors on the Superliner cars! I have a lot more in the works, I work full time tho and just mod/play in my free time so no timeline unfortunately.

Is it possible for you to add a Vehicle Autoload for the flatbed cars ?

Ohhh interesting.. Ill see about that!

I did that by following the instructions for universal auto load on one of your flat cars, still needs some tweaking but the basic auto load and unload worked to load and unload standard pallets onto a platform.  By the way awesome mod keep up the great work

ok anyone that is having a hard time with amtrak use the rerailer strip to place them works great and go slower as they are top heavy. and to modder love this but can you ajust the center of mass lower on the amtrak cars they tip easy 

glad you’re enjoying them! Yes center of mass will be lowered in the new update

cool and did you see my idea for logging car 

where the store do i fine the cars

The rolling stock is in the trailers section of the store in their own category called railroad cars

(2 edits)

hey on the yellow 53 A car the coupler dont have a connect point pluse i would like to know if you will be coming out with the logging car . enjoying the mods big time just thought i would let you know great work and i know WIP sorry it only connects one way 

on the box cars and cattle cars, can the cattle cars carry livestock and can the box cars carry stuff from productions?


box cars you can walk up to the doors and open them with simple ic, livestock the same way butt I haven’t added the livestock to the livestock car yet

i have the easy dev controls installed and the updated version, but when i try to pick up the locomotive, it says object too have and i have super strength turned on.

Hmmm interesting.. Try redownloading the easy dev controls edit that I have, and make sure you dont have any other easy dev controls or super strength mods enabled?

(2 edits)

insane detail. any recommendation for the best maps to use them with, other than the piblic map? great work so far and keep chugging away as it were. 

thanks a bunch man! Much appreciated! I am currently on pacific NW farming, I believe it is a 4x map so it’s relatively big enough. I have a double track mainline all the way around the perimeter of the map, with a big yard on the south edge of the map, just south of the town. Seems to work pretty well! With room for sidings and even some short lines possibly

thanks man! also nice reference to that crazy stack of containers u posted a few weeks ago.

Where do you find the containers at? Thanks

Containers will be released on my site soon!

Thank you!

thanks mate

you’re welcome, enjoy!

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