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i like the mod, though even though i use the track to put the trains on to the track, line up the track like someone with OCD, and fold the train, the train still will not follow the curves. any suggestions?

You need to UNFOLD the train and all railcars so that they can turn freely. are you unfolding them or folding them?

(1 edit)

i've tried both folded and unfolded seems to be happening on the 30 degree left turn track. it seems to jump the track.

I downloaded the update that gave the tracks their own tab in construction menu. However, while the tab shows up, the tracks are still located in decorations. I tried deleting file then adding new one but that didn’t work.

It sounds like you dont have the updated track pack if they are still in decorations

u know our station at Petrie actualy has the same modern layout as that of the 2 platform appearence with that of the elevator and bridge if u know what i mean by that?. I mean honestly when I take the train reguarly irl i keep seeing that on the Kalangur and Petrie stations i see such a layout with those platforms

Can someone explain to me how to connect track to the turntable? Whenever I try to it puts it under it or it won't let me adjust the height to where it needs to be. 

I suggest using the building snap mode in free placement mode, then the ground wont be leveled when you place the track so it doesnt mess up the turn table

(1 edit)

This mod is awesome. I'm working with RGC right now and we noticed that on server games the trains derail for no apparent reason. I'm trying something with increased wheel lips on the front and rear of the locomotive to see if that helps. Also, for placing tracks I've been using the move placeables mod and it was a game changer for lining up pieces.

If you'd like my version of BNSF_SD40 with the extra wheel parts let me know and I'll gladly send it to you.

Thank you! I am not aware of multiplayer issues? I dont play multiplayer so I havent been able to test them on a server.

As far as the wheels, I am not understanding what you did, you added extra wheels?

As far as the move placeables mod, that is genius! I hadnt thought of that, I will have to try it out!

Any luck with the increased wheel lips? I have issues constant derailing on our server as well and by the looks of it, the track is all level and snapped together.

Just a thought, how come you don't have the invisible barriers on all the tracks instead of just the Rerailer track? Wouldn't that help with keeping the Locomotives and cars on the tracks especially around corners? And maybe stiffening up the wheels so that when you unfold them so they have a bit of friction to the collisions against the inside of the rails.? I mean if that's even possible,vim speaking on something I know nothing about of course so I could be suggesting something absolutely idiotic 😅 just having one of those middle of the night thoughts that you keep running over and over in your head so don't mind me lol

(1 edit)

das würde vieleicht gehn aber an den weichen und mit breiter ladung geht das nicht  zb:der Cat 335 bleibt an den unsichtbaren Wänden hängen auf dem Flatbed Car

Yeah the invisible barriers sound good in theory, but work out extremely poorly in practice unfortunately :/ As oppi said, any oversize loads will collide, really limiting your ability to use flatbeds and the lowboys. also, the locomotives and railcars do not slide smoothly along the invisible walls like ice, they collide more like Velcro pretty much as soon as they touch they would "snag" on the walls

we would need some inclined bridges

Yes! inclined bridges is coming, for now, you can use the inclined track, place it free (so it doesnt level ground) and then place the black bridge pieces. It kinda works until I get proper inclined bridges!

im curious that structure in between both train platforms i imagine that must house the elevators. hows it possible to get the train platforms with that Bridge and the elevators?

I am not understanding youre question friend

that elevator structure between the two platforms I mean i keep seeing it irl its a kind of two platform setup

(2 edits)

grossartige arbeit echt klasse 

ne frage könnte man diese weichen auch machen vieleicht


Glad you are enjoying them! I will see what I can do about creating those track options. I have been having issues with how I could get a diamond to work tho

ok danke :)

Yō really love the mod and everything but I'm trying to model my hometown Temple, TX and i was going to see if you could add diamonds.

Thanks glad youre liking it! I have been trying to figure out how I could get a diamond to work.. since the wheels ride inside the rails it makes it difficult.. but as soon as I figure out how to make it work I will!

coming soon

I love this mod! I've just recently gotten into this game and barely have the specs to run the game with the amount of mods I want to use😅 but between this and terrafarm I don't think I've actually spent more then a few hours actually farming the last couple months haha

Haha glad you like it! yes Terrafarm was a game changer for me as well. These trains have been pretty fun for me! the next savegame that I am working on now is wayyyy more complex than the last one I released. This next one will have mainlines along the river and steep grades to try and pull

that's awesome! IV been having trouble getting the tracks to snap together properly and getting the engines to sit just right on the tracks, they always seem o keep leaning to the left or right and I'm doing everything properly and using build snap and everything but I hink it has more to do with my system itself to be honest.... there's something to do with the collisions on my end not to mention I'm using a gamepad and not keyboard and mouse haha 

Hey bro i have same problem and i want to play with the mod so bad i Don t now what to do

Make sure you don't have any mods that add realism or anything like that to your game. I have a mod called Center of Gravity which adds realistic weight distributions over your axels and what not causing my train to engines to lean. 

Thank s bro You are the best 

Can anyone provide some assistance with using the girder bridges? Whenever I place them then put the track over the bridges, the track just levels the ground and covers the bridge... Not exactly what I was looking to do. I'm trying to cross a small creek on Huron County, MI and I'd rather not use the big red bridge to hop the creek...

Other way around my friend, you should place the track, turn on free placement so that it doesnt level the ground across the creek, then place the bridge on the track and it will place it at the right level!

Okay... is free placement a different mod? I'm sorry if that's a noob question... Just wasn't sure if there is another mod I should have or if it is a setting I'm missing somewhere. Great mods by the way! I really enjoy having a train on my favorite maps that don't already have trains.

Uhhhhh I guess I havent ever even thought of it! I think it is a part of the building snap mod? It allows you to place placeables without deforming the land or painting the land. Not a noob question at all! I am glad you are enjoying it

I'll have to investigate that building snap mod further. I know I have the building snap mod from DumpsterDave. I'll just have to play with it some more to figure out all of the features. Thanks for your help!

You are correct, free placement is part of the Building snap mod... might help if I read the controls window every once and a while... That works perfectly! Thanks again for your help!

Good to hear! youre welcome!

Hey Jweezy i have a request this one is simple enough, i was wondering if you could cook up some crossbucks for rural crossings?

Yes I plan on adding those soon!

I'm sure you've gotten this comment before and I'm just not seeing it, but where is the steam train? I vagally remember it and playing with it for a little bit.
But now I no longer see it, and I was just wondering when or if it's getting added back, and even not, I'd love to figure out how to put one into my game, it's be a dream come true.

(1 edit)

Howdy! the current version of the railroad locomotives has the NKP 2-8-4 Berkshire steam locomotive included with it! if you are not seeing it, I would suggest making sure that you have the latest version of the locomotives mod and NO other versions, as that can cause issues.

Need help how can I connect this now?

just use standard 20m rail piece and put it inside both ot them.

you have to be precise, otherwise trains may jump up over parts that sticks out where they shouldnt and end up derailed.

there also is (i think it is in vanilla) a piece in fences that look like train track which you place just like..  fences. it have the same wide as those from mod but its really hard to put them as you would like to.. so use it only as a last resort.

(1 edit)

Exactly like Jupiter said! I would suggest overlapping a straight piece or a curve piece with the piece on the right, but stick it out so that it connects. or use the placeable fence! It is ususally much easier to overlap track to make connections on straight pieces, so I also might suggest relaying track from the switch back the other way until you can get to a straight piece to line up. If that makes sense?

(2 edits)

any chance you could add one of the stillwater central locomotives? 

I like that paint scheme! I will see what I can do for ya


Just need a trailer wagon for conect

Hey hey it looks great!

Well, I can't put the train wheels on the crane, they don't appear, can you help me with that?

Go to discord there are more photos and a video there

J weezy is cool? 😂 loke

Hi, how did you create this combination? Where have you found the european locomotive?

Looks great

This photo is out of date, the mod has already been released, the European locomotives, this fpi from fs19, the others I made them, waiting for j weezy to post or pass it on the group's discord, I posted the European version of 19 locomotives

Mr JWeezy..

One again a big THANKS for your wonderful mods! Awsome!

Im running a one track line around the map (with some ”gears”.. Ive struggled hard with the ”gears” to make a , like, 150 meters sidetrack (when trains is about to meet the other one of them can change track and wait out).

Would that be possible for you to make one? Like the rerail.. 

Bless you

Youre welcome! I am glad you are enjoying them!

Hmmm I am not quite understanding what you are asking.. Could you maybe show me a picture of what you are talking about?

I think that you are trying to describe a passing siding, which is rather easy to make using the switches. Then, turn the 10 degree turn around 180 degrees and it lines up perfectly with the switch you just placed. You then can create two tracks perfectly parallel for your passing siding. Then repeat on the other end to join your passing siding back into your single track mainline. Is that what you are talking about?

Mr JWeezy, even though you didnt quit understand my question your answer was PERFECT and just the one I was looking for!👌

One thing that would be awsome is a  trainstation.. like a house for passengers and maybe even a busstation connected to it

have a nice day !

Good I am glad I did actually understand what you were looking for! haha.

As for the train station, there is a station and a platform included in the placeable track, just make sure you have the latest version and it should be there!

Are there any plans on adding placable yard shop ladder right? .--.

We have only left side variant but both of them would be useful.

Shoot I totally missed that! Yes I will absolutely include it in the next update

Any idea when the new update will drop? :D

Hopefully this weekend! not too much in this one, but I will have new high speed switches and crossovers, and I just made that yard shop ladder right for ya as well!

I'm so excited. High speed switches sounds amazing :o

I can not wait to use them in my fast logistics lines :'D

And the YSL right... workshop yard now will be complete 

Thank you mister <3

Youre welcome! yes I love the high speed switches and crossovers so far! I have hammered the crossovers at 45mph with no issues with a massive mixed consist, hope you like them!


Почему поезд криво себя ведет и падает с путей!

new mods to add to the pack if j weezy wants 😂


Please dont use my site to advertise somebodys youtube page

Does JWeezy have a community discord by chance people can reach out to him

so the only discord that I know of is the one I created, and JWeezy isn’t apart of it (yet), you’re more then welcome to join it. The link to it is posted just a few comments down

I do not have my own discord group, but I do have discord myself! you can reach out on discord to me @NHLmetPENGUINS or on facebook!

JWeezy, you should definitely join our discord😅

Uhhhh it is saying the link is expired there friend!

well that’s awkward, I set it to never expire 🤔

Is there anyway you could make the stairway at the railroad station its own placeable mod for pedestrians to cross the roadway?  

Maybe I can at some point! I am focusing on railroad and constructions mods mostly at the moment

hi was wondering how to put together the turntable for the trains have got the concrete circle placed but not able to lift the turntable into place is there something I’m missing? Thanks and awesome mods!!

The turntable is heavy just like the locomotives, so you will need a mod to increase your strength. I recommend the lumberjack mod as it allows you to change the settings in game!

thanks for the reply appreciate it will try that out and let you know if I still have issues !! Awesome mods by the way love the trains a lot!!

Deleted 239 days ago

Hey man! Hope the honeymoon went well (Was reading the comments) but I'm having a slight issue. No matter what I place, shortly after I lose keyboard controls and the camera just starts flying off in one direction, even sometimes it spins! Any idea whats causing this or have a fix for it? Thanks!

(1 edit)

Howdy thanks a bunch! it was fantastic!

Hmm that is a terribly frustrating issue.. I have not experienced that, and I believe I have around 1200 mods currently.. could you do me a favor and start a fresh save game, on a standard in game map, with just the railroad stuff activated and see if the problem persists? It sounds like you may have a mod conflict..

Good, how are you, I'm still waiting for CP Portugal to send me the model of the train, I have a question about how the straight tracks remove the elevation, for example, the curved ones, when applied and there is a difference in level, remain in the air, while the straight ones lift the ground from the ground. take it off?

Deleted 256 days ago

Howdy, yes sorry for the delay, I have been away getting married and on my honeymoon. I will get back to it soon!

As for the other issue you mention, yes the curves do not lift the ground at this time, I plan on adding that in the future though

Random question do u have a discord or a place where people can show off their trains and designs ? I just think it'd be cool too see what people have made with the amazing mods 

I don’t think he does, but I’d be willing to make one, or make a Facebook group just for us lol

that'll be good ive got a discord ive recently set up with no one joined yet lol but happy to join yours to see peoples builds maybe get idea's etc 

Deleted 255 days ago

there’s the link, just reposted it to change the expiration date to never

Awesome cheers

Sorry for the late reply! I have been away getting married and on my honeymoon.

No I dont have a discord server, I just post in a couple facebook groups every once and a while. I like the idea of you guys starting a discord group tho! how many are in there now?

That's awesome congratulations mate hope you both had the best day. It was Flair that set up the discord, there's 6 in the discord so far which is cool to show off your mods. Looking forward to anything else you may bring in the future 

Thank you! it has been a fantastic marriage so far haha. and oh okay cool cool!

And yes I have a pretty big update in the works, for the locomotives in particular! including some new locomotives, and new features! Hoping to get this release out soon, maybe this coming weekend. If not then itll be next weekend probably!

cant wait it sounds like its going to be cool, anything steam related was one of my dads favourite past times he was a massive Fred Dibnah fan so im definitely looking forward to the next update. 

Hello, having trouble in mp, the rails, i put them perfect for me im not the host on a local game, for the host its off, even when reloading,but his are fine for both of us not off, and its not me beacause on my screen its perfect placement. pls fix!!

Hmmm I have not had that issue. It sounds to me like there could be an issue with the MP session, not with the rails themselves


I can't install the turntable

Could someone explain it to me or make a short video to explain

Thank you

(1 edit)

if you mean you cant lift the turntable then i found the easiest thing for me was to edit the EasyDevControls.lua

Use visual studio code for precise line

Line 530 (i put a stupid amount of weight)

local maxPickableMass = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

and the same on line 536 as follows

maxPickableMass = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Make sure the game is closed down then save and restart and you can carry anything 

Note if you use the lumberjack mod then it will overwrite the easydev control and wont work, so i just removed lumberjack mod

Hope this helps

(1 edit)

I will try this

I have the lumberjack  mod, I'm going to remove it from my game and put it back later


no worries, let me know if it worked for you :)

I had to modify the weight in the turntable2.xml file

I didn't have the EasyDevControls file

ah cool glad u found a way around it 

Dear Jeezy! Do you have any tips on how I could precisely rotate the rails when connecting them? It's quite difficult to put together when connected to a shifter assembly.

Try with this mod:

you should turn off snapping while placing curve rails and put them manually, but the rotation angles will help for sure

Howdy! sorry for the late reply, I have been away getting married and on my honeymoon!

As for my recommendation, I absolutely would say the same as Jupiter, I would use the building snap mod and turn the grip snap off, but use the rotation snapping. It is perfect if you set it to 5 degree snap, all of my turns are in 5 degree increments so it works perfect!

Found an issue when placing some of the tracks it does not paint the ground with the same track

I’m having some issues with the railway crossings, sometimes the train or a car will derail on the road. Haven’t looked into the issue yet but it could be the map I’m using, will comment what I find later.

Also I know a lot of other people have been talking about container inter-compatibility with Hispano modding/other container forklifts & reach stackers but it would be good to use the well stock with containers from those modders too as the current ones are ever so slightly too narrow to fit a container inside.

Raised the track height by 20mm and it seems to be fine now though the vehicles on the road do noticeably bump over the rails now

I know you said you were experimenting with combining power units already but it would be interesting how the brake forces are applied too (if it even matters), since realistically all cars would have brakes on them

Yes sorry I have been away getting married and on my honeymoon!

I am going to get back to it soon. with some updates and hopefully compatibility for other containers


bugged rail pls fix

The yard spawn is not done yet, I included it as a courtesy from somebody that requested I include it even in this development form. I could not get it to work the way I wanted it to, but if I ever go back to that I will correct that. Other than that, it will probably stay as is. Or I can remove it

i find it really useful  for making long trains other wize im stuck doing it 1 by 1

Im glad you have found it useful at least! I struggled to get it to work the way that I wanted it to consistently every single time, so I rage quit it haha. I will get back to it and fix it at some point!

(1 edit)

i use the shop deliverys and line the camera up parallel to the track and get it just right u can buy a train and it be lined up perfectly on the tracks no need to mess with it.   that's how i work with Ur mod    .best mod in fs22  OG

(1 edit) (+1)

Is anybody else having problem with crossover track? When im passing over it sometimes train wheels jump up and cause derailment.

The ' ( ' shaped metal things between rails probably have too big hitboxes, squeezing wheels and force them to move up- just my theory.

The ' ( ' shaped metal does not even have collisions set, it is just for looks. So that is not the issue. I have not had any issues with the crossovers, and I have gone across them at 20-25mph with large trains. Could you tell me what locomotive you were using? and which crossover it was? I will try to recreate the issue so I can investigate.

It doesnt really matter which one becouse all of them were doing the same.  Some of them were affected more (Amtrak SDP40F) some less (BNSF SD70ACe) but all were jumping. I also used BNSF C44-9W (on screenshot above) and Amtrak SW1500 for testing.

I also was trying to recreate this bug today and.. everything was working fine as it should.. now i dont get it why is that  ._.

Sorry I have been away getting married!

Hmm yeah that is weird.. glad it is working now tho!

Hahaa.. didn't expect that at all. Congrats to ya!

I love the mods you make. They totally have made the game so much more fun to play and customized maps to be the way you want.  I can't figure out how to do the turntable.  How do you move the track piece?  The track is to heavy even with the super-strength.  

Super strength wont do it,you need to have lumberjack,and in settings there’s a place where you can make lift weight indefinite

Awesome thanks.

Where at in the settings can that be changed? Ive looked in the game option section and don't see it. All I seen was where you can change what button that triggers it on and off.

Amazing mod, thank you. 

What is the purpose of the markers near the yard spawn rails ?


also have this error on the Amtrak spd 40f

2024-06-26 03:52 D:/MyLands Mods/FS22_railroad_locomotives/AMTRAK_SDP40F.i3d (137.96 ms)

2024-06-26 03:52   Error: Failed to find child 0 from node componentJoint, only 0 children given

2024-06-26 03:52 LUA call stack:

  dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (20) : printCallstack

  dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (91) : checkChildIndex

  dataS/scripts/xml/XMLValueType.lua (61) : indexToObject

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Cylindered.lua (2299) : getValue

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/FillUnit.lua (2314) : superFunc

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Foldable.lua (1137) : superFunc

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Cylindered.lua (572) : loadMovingToolFromXML

  dataS/scripts/specialization/SpecializationUtil.lua (23)

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (993) : raiseEvent

  dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (134) : asyncCallbackFunction

2024-06-26 03:52   Error: Index not found: 0>1|0|0|5


Oh shoot! I missed that, I will look into that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

love the mods! Does anyone have a map already made with the track laid down?


Thank you glad youre enjoying them! and I have a build on Pacific NW farming with a complete, mostly double track mainline with a little bit of single track, a large yard and multiple sidings, branch lines, and industries for switching. I plan on adding it to my site once its done!

(1 edit) (+2)

seriously? I literally cannot wait for that!!!!! Is there an eta on that cuz I’m on vaca in two weeks and would love to spends days  just lost in that, I’m soo addicted to these train mods man,again mods of the year!!!!! Also please tell me that your map will be  at least 4x? Long hauls baby,long hauls😂😂😂

Yes! an entire loop all the way around a 4x map, with mostly double track mainline with a bit of single track. Crossing Guards at all grade crossings, and I think 4 branch lines off of the main right now? Multiple different industries including steel recycling, scrap yard, oil rigs and oil refinerys, and a brand new steel and lumber warehouse taht I have been working on with Eastern Ontario Edits! I dont have an ETA on it yet, I still have some stuff to do and I am working on this warehouse, overhead crane, and coil car at the moment. I promise the wait will be worth it tho! glad you are enjoying them so much!

Sonna of bitch hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

be awesome to see something like that for a 16x map, I’m currently building a full loop on my ND Hastings map, but I’m running into the issue of figuring out hot to keep the tracks the same length around the curves at the edges of the map.

(4 edits)

the switches are switching back to though line halfway onto the siding. is there a way to stop it? really could use some help on this

Sorry for the delayed response as I have been sick, but it sounds like you have the mod that opens gates automatically, Animated Object Extend? this mod will cause issues with my mods, and cause the switches to change while driving thru. You will have to remove that mod if youd like the switches to function properly

I am playing on Map WildWest X16 It has a barn that auto-opens do you know if there is a way to disable it? And thank you 

for the Reply

Oh interesting.. I wonder if that mod is built into the map.. I would try starting a new save game on that map with just the placeable track and the locomotives enabled and see if it still has issues?

(1 edit)

yes the Barn is part of the map and I laid track around the map  trains run on it just fine,it takes around 45 min to run around It's just the switch thing  I hope we can fix it for this is a great map for your Mod here a link to just a video of it I stop working on it till the switches  work  

Your track looks awesome man! I am not seeing an issue with any switches in the video though? Am I missing something?


I’m so close but so far from linking it into a loop

I feel your pain😂😂😂

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