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Can’t pick up the 53’ containers with in game container lift

I cant get any of your containers or the titan containers to attach to your Cheetah trailers or the crane. The game trailers connect no problem. When I look at the .xml files your joint types are different then the standard and tank containers.

Have you updated the trailer? The newest update should work

I thought I had the latest version, I downloaded again and it works. Thanks

Another question, I know this is the Rolling cars page but, The only Maxi-Stack cars I can get to connect to other cars is the Maxi-Stack 5 car. Is there a trick to get the others to connect?

Thanks again. I love all your mods. Great work!!!!

Good to hear! and as for the maxi stack cars, I believe in the current release version they will only connect one way.. similar to the superliners they only connect when they are spawned facing the same way. but the 3 car and 5 car should connect together as long as they are facing the same. The new update I believe I have fixed that so that youll be able to connect them either way like the other cars!

you should try doing CMA CGM they're a shipping company but its common to see their containers everywhere so are they in there or are you adding it love your train mods better than the base game stuff

Thank you! CMA CGM is available from the titan containers currently! maybe at some point I can add a 53ft variant if they have 53ft containers

Anyway you could add some more logos like EMP and fix the jb hunt logos?

Whats wrong with the JB Hunt logos?

They look small compared to the ones irl and maybe you could add the decals onto the doors

Hmm Ill look into it!

ok thanks man 

KLLM, UPS CR ENGLAND TIGER COOL EXPRESS ALLIANCE SHIPPERS HUB GROUP CPKC SEA-LAND DOLE DEL MONTY Chiquita PRIME NFI Road rail this is what i have found that's out there and most of the class  1 railroads have them on there trains 

Thank you!

Hey man are you ever going to add the 20 and 40ft containers back?

I dont have any plans to add them back at this time, the Titan 20 and 40 ft containers are much nicer than mine, so I changed my pack to just be a 53ft add on basically

how do you open them

They open with the fold function

do you have any plans to add straps to the 53 foot like the titan ones have?

Uhhh yeah I could probably do that!

Eres lo maximo amigo tiempo record muchisimas gracias

Youre welcome! Hope you enjoy

amigo como siempre genial todo pero solo podras actualizar tus gruas para que puedan levantar contenedores titan ya que  solo pueden levantar  los contenedores de tu paquete y de esta forma no podemos utilizar con tus gruas los contenedores de 20 y 40 pies gracias capo

Howdy man! yes I will be fixing the cranes soon! so that they will work with the Titan containers and with my updated containers

muchas gracias  lo espero de verdad ,como siempre un genio

I just updated the cranes! update is available for download

Hola genial la actualizacion ya carga con contenedores titan,pero una consulta ya no levanta tus contennedores de 53 pies ,o sea tienes pensado modificarlo  o quedaran solo para los contenedores titan,gracias hermano abrazo

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Hmmm I set them up to load the titan containers and my 53 feet containers, make sure you have the updated version of my 53 feet containers? they needed an update to work with everything

whats that map called

are there any plans to do something similar to titan containers? (i.e adding more variants and styles) or any plans on more container related machines like Empty container handlers, reachstackers, or container moving trucks? i have enjoyed these containers so far and would love to be able to load them myself and strap stuff down.


the container lift in the fs22 modhud those that work with these containers?

only cranes  that he has put out will ive tried different ones and only his work

A container machine is missing. A Kalmar for empty containers would be great, the one that stacks 7 containers. But I'm referring to the one that looks like a small forklift with a tower

A top pick would be cool too. 

A package of refrigerated containers is missing. I think you would be the guy to do this project

Any way to edit XML to make these work with the other container movers? 

Love the stuff, i work with Kalmar and love to see it in FS. Hope to see more from you.

yes absolutely! What container movers are you using? I will try and edit these to make work with those as well.

that is awesome! And glad you’re enjoying them! What country do you work for Kalmar in? I assume they are all over the world

Alex Coms or the Lizard one on mod hub. 

I actually work for the biggest Kalmar Dealer in Canada and on the west coast. We work closely with Kalmar NA and EU. 

Which reachstacker do you use  to pick up the containers

I didn’t realize these weren’t working with other reachstackers, which one are you using? I will edit the containers to work with it!

i use the lizard crane from hispano modding

I will check it out and make sure my containers are compatible

Containers are nice what loader or forklift is best to use because the in game stuff does not seem to connect to load out

thank you! I have released my own cranes that will move these containers. What loader or forklifts are you trying to use? I will edit these to work with them

hispano or alexscom

Deleted 292 days ago
Deleted 292 days ago

For future reference, is that boat part of a map or is it actually drivable? same for the map itself?

The boats are drivable I made them myself (I have that container ship, a bulk carrier and a tanker) I plan on releasing them at some point! The map is just a blank map with an ocean placeable that I made

Wow. I really have nothing but positive words, amazing. I've been waiting to see stuff like this for so long, this is unbelievably cool. 

any update on the release of the cranes?

Yeah hopefully this weekend! as well as a big update for all of the train stuff

I just want to say JWeezy, your mods fr have changed how I and i'm sure many others have play farming sim. thank you for such high quality mods and thank you for what you do 

Hey thanks a bunch! That is much appreciated. I am glad you are enjoying them so much, I hope you continue to enjoy them as I release more and more!

i'm really looking forward to the container crane, looks badass

Thank you!

Thank you Jweezy, your mods are really original and genuinely turn improve the game, Giants should be paying you for your work, looking forward to more railroad set pieces, container cranes and placeable roads, just keeps getting better!


Hey thanks a bunch for those kind words! That is much appreciated


Thanks for the update!
I'll keep checking hourly :-) 


Seems to be working for others fine. For my game the containers are stuck on the spinning load circle, and when you purchase it freezes the game up. Surely a mod conflict on my end but do you know why this would happen, dying to use these with the trailers. T.i.a


Hmmm.. Yeah I have not heard that issue, I believe it would be a mod conflict. Let me know what mod you find is the conflict?

Any luck finding the conflick? I have the same issue.

no sadly..i wish i knew which mod was messing it up


I have found the conflict. Its the Timber trailer info mod. Once I deleted the mod the containers popped up and was able buy & use them

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Hi, i'm on the way to modding the containercrane too. The red sea- and railroad crane, i mean.But i'm hanging out off enterable and animation. But its placeable. Would i wait if yours ready? I input the containerattacher from the reachstacker. So its a way for using this for the hispano containers.

Howdy, Mine is just about ready. I am not sure about a release date yet tho, hopefully soon! I actually have a few different cranes including a bulk loader too

I'm in Jeremy Browns DC so i send a pic, wich one i mean. Mean not the Reachstacker


What container mover are u using


there is a container reacher stacker that looks similar to my red one in the pictures, see if that one works? I will release my cranes soon as well

I have tried all three with you pack hispano is no Alexs is a no and so this the volvo.. so at this time  ima wait for yours to come out not going ot beat my hard on a rock lol  .. your stuff is mint  and on point and i enjoy the game play you have brought to the game and the community  

thanks for your efforts time and skills  

What can we use to lift containers onto  trailer  of train car ?

I plan on releasing the cranes when i can, there is a container mover available currently

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What one do you use that's out  i have two  of them  ? 

there is a container reacher stacker that looks similar to my red one in the pictures, see if that one works? I will release my cranes soon as well

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Ok well I have two of them and a attachment for the front loader too  one from AlexS and other from  the hispano and also the Alex's trailer stacker . . I guess I'm trying them all ..... 

non la grue sur la derniere photo

I plan on releasing the cranes once I have them ready

right on just asked that question  

commentaire sur charge tes conteneur

You must connect to it with something and then unfold it to open the doors, or if you dump material onto the top of it, it will load the material

Will that semi be released or is that private

which one?

The peterbilt(s)

I dont have any plans to release those at this time

Oh alright